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Today, twenty-eight European companies and organisations presented the Biomethane Declaration to Kadri Simson, European Commissioner for Energy, at an online conference. The HUTIRA brand, represented by Ivan Junga, Director of HUTIRA Slovakia, was among its signatories as well.
VOLVO, IVECO, SCANIA, the Carrefour retail chain or the RWE energy concern. These are just some of the 28 companies that have signed the Biomethane Declaration together with the HUTIRA brand. The Declaration represents a symbolic step that should take the European Community forward in its efforts to build a pan-European green infrastructure. Biomethane is currently the most cost-effective, most widespread and most sustainable renewable gas.
The Declaration emphasizes the willingness of biomethane producers and users, with a total annual turnover of more than €200 billion, to contribute to increase the sustainable biomethane to at least 350 TWh by 2030, a utilization potential estimated by the European Commission.
HUTIRA was represented at the conference online through the director Ivan Junga. “We see the transition from traditional energy sources to lower-emission ones, which will lead to climate neutrality, as important,” Junga said in his speech.
All 28 companies that have supported the Biomethane Declaration wish to work with politicians at national and European Union level. That is why they also asked Kadri Simson, European Commissioner for Energy who attended today’s meeting, for support today. According to the initiators of the Declaration, biomethane should become the basis for the European Commission’s climate and energy legislative package called “Fit For 55”. According to this, the European Union would like to reduce 55% of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.
HUTIRA realizes that the near future belongs to biomethane We have been operating in the gas industry for more than 30 years and supporting biogas producers in its conversion into biomethane, from feasibility studies up to complete project implementation. “We supported the Declaration because we believe that biomethane plays a key role in energy transformation in the countries of the European Union,” explained Ivan Junga, Director of HUTIRA Slovakia.
Všech 28 společností, které deklaraci o biometanu podpořily, si přeje spolupracovat s politiky na národní úrovni i na úrovni Evropské unie. Proto dnes o podporu požádaly také Eurokomisařku pro energetiku Kadri Simson, která se dnešního setkání účastnila. Podle iniciátorů deklarace by se měl biometan stát základem pro klimaticko-energetický legislativní balíček Evropské komise zvaný „Fit For 55.“ Podle toho by Evropská unie chtěla snížit 55 % emisí skleníkových plynů do roku 2030.
HUTIRA si uvědomuje, že blízká budoucnost patří biometanu. V plynárenském průmyslu působíme již více než 30 let a podporujeme výrobce bioplynu při jeho přeměně na biometan, a to od studií proveditelnosti až po kompletní realizace projektů. „Deklaraci jsme podpořili, jelikož věříme, že biometan má klíčovou roli v energetické transformaci v zemích Evropské unie,“ vysvětlil ředitel HUTIRA Slovakia Ivan Junga.